Intern Pursuit, an intelligent intern management and upskilling platform for employers, joined the Orlando Tech Council. This council is a core component of the Orlando Economic Partnership where startups or non-profit organizations contribute to the tech ecosystem.
On February 17, 2021 Intern Pursuit officially became a part of the Orlando Tech Council. Isabella Johnston, founder and CEO of Intern Pursuit, said “I am thrilled to be part of these influential thought leaders that work to create new opportunities for companies to scale and amplify the central Florida success stories that raise the global profile of Orlando as a leading community for entrepreneurship and innovation.”

This is an important step for the startup as they become part of the regional economic development strategy and continue to expand their reach. Earlier this year they announced their partnership with UC Berkeley PlexTech Computer Science & AI Club (tied for the coveted title as the #1 computer science school in the United States). The opportunity to be part of the tech fabric in Orlando is exciting as Central Florida moves towards recognition for being a tech center globally.

Intern Pursuit Software Platform was founded in 2018 by Isabella Johnston, a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience in human resource development and education. The platform solves HR issues from recruitment to transition for employers to improve the candidate selection process while increasing diversity and inclusion. The platform is powered by a smart machine learning (AI) algorithm that identifies the best candidates for employers based on trending HR Power Skills and job preferences while improving skill development on multiple levels.
The Orlando Economic Partnership is a group of private industry, resource organizations, and public partners that collaborate with the purpose of organizing and aligning their region’s resources to accelerate progress towards an innovation-based economy. They established the Orlando Tech Council with the purpose of strengthening innovation resources, creating new opportunities, and amplifying success stories. Sanjay Patel, CEO at Datanautix and member of the Tech Council said, “The Orlando Tech Council has the most promise of supporting the local tech ecosystem than any other organization I’ve been a part of in the last 20 years….”. This membership also offers the opportunity to be engaged with regional tech and innovation leaders and to help establish and grow Orlando’s tech ecosystem.
